1. Create a budget. To be fiscally fit track your expenses and income. Set aside something for emergencies and if you know you need some money for entertainment, be it a CD or the occasional movie, factor in it to avoid nasty surprise.
2. Buy in bulk. If you're sharing a place with friends, try buying household items such as detergent, dish-washing liquid or rice in bulk from low-price hypermarkets.
3. Buy used book. If you can get used books from seniors who've completed the course so much the better! Alternatively, check out book prices online, it could be lower than what the bookstores offer. If you divvy up the freight charges with a group of friends, it could be worth your while.
4. Don't drive. A car is no doubt convenient but maintaining a vehicle is expensive. Besides petrol and parking, you need to set aside funds for insurance, road tax, regular service appointments as well as repairs should it become necessary.
5. Smart spending equals savings. Stock your wardrobe with basic and update them with key items from the latest trends or hit the boutiques during end-of-session sales. Do your research to see what or when certain cafes, cinemas or even restaurants offer student discounts and patronise this outlets to save.
1 comment:
yeah, I have the same thought as well. especially driving will be so costly.
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