
LIFE IN THE OFFICE - New Kid On The Block

Great Ideas And Thoughts To Make That Job A Little Easier.

You landed that new job that's a step higher up the corporate ladder. It's the first day on the job. You're excited, but also a little anxious. Not surprising really. You'd be dealing with new surroundings, colleagues, and expectations. Here are the tips;

Be Aware.
Get a feel of how the place works - the layout, the culture, the rules, the pecking order, etc. Is it the formal or informal? Find out the dress code before you start.

Get Comfortable. Bring momentos that put you at the ease. Personalise your working area, but take care not to break any rules.

Integrate. Be friendly and courteous to co-workers. Get on the office grapevine, but don't contribute to gossip.

Communicate. If you have doubts about your new task and assignments, ask. Make sure that you know what is expected of you so that you can deliver.

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