
Cash$Career: Super Saver!

If your check-out sum at the grocery takes too big a bite out of your pocket, try these cost-effective shopping list.

A hungry shopper is greedy shopper, dashing through supermarket food isles grabbing anything in sight that looks good enough to pacify their hunger at the moment. More often then not, you end up buying things you end up not eating. So shop when your tum not growling.

MAKE A LIST. The tried-and-true practice of coming up with a shopping list is never overrated. Here's how to go about it: Decide on a realistic budget and make a list, a long one if you will. Go through it again, then slash out whatever you can do without.

LEARNS TO COOK QUICK AND EASY MEALS. Cooking at home is definitely cheaper, but most of us don't have the time to do it. If your definition of a home-cooked meal is instant noodles or sachet soup, it's time you learned to whip up easy-to-prepare proper meals. Just browse the shelves of a bookstore and you'll find plenty of cookbooks to inspire you.

BUY EGGS. Eggs last longer than veggies, are cheaper than meat and packed with vitamins, Plus they're versatile enough to make great meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even dessert!


Anonymous said...

Eggs and cholesterol don't go together... Qumang, just saw you dropping by through mybloglog. Since your blog is about money, feel free to review my linkylove.net make money online blog. Thanks and the favor will be returned.

Catherine Bugi said...

Hi, I been there for fews time. This time I rewarded you a few bucks I guess.



Anonymous said...

You suggest eggs. Two comments:

1) what is the best wine to go with eggs?

2) that nonsense about eggs being bad for cholestreol is so over. Those were scare stories. They've been disproven. Eggs are no worse than other food for cholesterol. Egg out with no fear!!!!!